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Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

爱你的人是不会让你流泪的 ,因为他疼你!

“ 爱你的人是不会让你流泪的 ,因为他疼你 ” !! 如果是真的 ,我以前都不会每次都流泪了 .. aikss... 爱情里有悲伤和开心的时刻 当他不属于你的时候 你要把他忘了 如果不是 ,伤心的是你 !!
今天我好开心哦 !! 为什么呢?hee 不能说!!  秘密来的 !!  xD ngek ngek .. 今天平常将 ,去学校读书 好闷的今天也很热 .. 今天我们有运动 ! 我们玩到满身大汗 ,真好玩 ! 有些同学玩 羽毛球 ,ragbi ,篮球 !! heee , 我选了和我同学玩篮球 .. 让我想回我和我弟弟他们打篮球那时刻 ,我真想念 !! :(  很久了 !! 已经 5 年没跟他们玩了 ! 哈哈哈我和我同学玩到满身都是汗 ! 我同学觉得我很会玩 但我没有感觉到 说真 5 年没玩了 我很 NOOB !! 哈哈哈然后我玩到我很难要呼吸 我就坐着休息 .. heee 证明我很久没去运动 paiseh paiseh .. 不久过后每个同学会班了 ...真的很热 !! 没关系 ,我坐在风扇地下 开始感觉冷了哈哈哈 然后我不停的河水 .. 11.40 - 1.10pm 我们有 kokum :(  我和我的以前的好朋友聊天 我们将以前的我们哈哈想回也好笑..聊天聊天不觉不觉要放学了.. 我们真的聊了很多 .. 好累哦 ! 要放学那时候 天开始下雨了 .. 我又霖雨了! 回到家去冲凉然后上网.. 下雨就下越大 我的 LINE 越来越 laggg !! 懒惰上网了很 laggg ohh... 那我就去睡觉了 !!.. 加上我真的很累 ! 跟你短信然后 beh tahan liao 我就睡早了 !! heee xD 开心的今天 weeee !! <3


Monday, April 25, 2011

听了这个歌 ,我好伤心.. 你没觉得这个歌很有意义吗?hmmmm ,我觉得有噢 :(
开始又想起你了.. 没关系 ,我在慢慢改变我自己..有些歌唱对我来说..
“ 只怪自己當初沒有抓緊你的手 ,失去了你我才知道你有多重要 ,現在說後悔也沒有用 ,心雖然很痛 ” ...
对 ,真的对 .. 我真的没有抓緊你的手那时候失去了你我才知道你有多重要给我 :(  我遗憾也没有用因为你已经不在我世界了..你殊异在别的世界...以前我對你不夠好我也很難受..可是在你眼里我就是个坏女子和 playgirl !! 说真我不是 PLAYGIRL ..好啦 ,别再说了..解释那么多也没有用!! 哈哈哈做我自己 ,给自己新生活 , 做个开开心的女孩也是幸福的女子.. CHANGE TOPIC !!
今天 brenda 去我家 ,然后呢他就玩我 laptop 我就看我电视 哈哈哈.. 又下了很大的雨好像睡觉噢.. 因为感觉很冷 ! heee xD ... 然后他就去她男朋友家 ,因为她男朋友家附近我家 .. aiyrrr 每次都将.. hmmmm ~ 没关系你们感觉幸福就好了.. 我想幸福也没有.. aikss... 
再见了 ~

0ooppsss.... 0.o .. heee xD


Monday, April 11, 2011


A true friend is there through the
good and bad, beautiful and
ugly, hot and cold, rain or shine
A true friend can't wait to see you,
embrace you, hug you, love you,
laugh with you, talk with you
A true friend is your backseat driver,
protector, adviser, right-hand-man,
partner, consultant, one-of-a-kind
A true friend will not tolerate excuses,
condone compromise, or lie for you
A true friend is your bosom-buddy,
pal, confidant, sidekick, colleague,
comrade-in-arms, companion
A true friend is fifty-fifty, will tell you
anything, keep a secret, correct you
when you are wrong, and advise you
to do that which is right
A true friend is bold, courageous,
fearless, and will be at your side
in a moment's notice, under
any circumstances
A true friend will not patronize you,
forsake you, lie to you, or betray you
A true friend will stand shoulder-to-shoulder
with you through life's toughest times, and
will not back down in the face of adversity
A true friend is not dictated to or ruled-over
by others, but listens to you, cares only for
you, and puts you first in his life--above and
beyond everything and everyone on Earth
A true friend will share his life experiences
with you, and tell you the truth in love,
even if it hurts and makes you mad
A true friend will stand up for you in the
midst of your persecution, and guard
you in a storm of rocks and arrows
A true friend will keep a secret, correct
you, encourage you, and love you,
even when you are wrong
A true friend will warn you of danger,
warn you when you are being deceived,
tell you "Don't do it!" and always be
there for matter what
A true friend will hold your hand tightly,
support you, stop you from falling, crawl
with you, and carry you if you can't walk 
A true friend will feel your pain and
sorrow, suffer with you, cry with you,
and gently dry the tears from your face
A true friend will trust you with his life,
take you at your word, and tell you
to get tough and stop your whining 
A true friend will stand face-to-face with
your enemies, defend you, protect you,
fight for you, make sacrifices for you,
and even die for you
A true friend will look ahead for you,
be there with you, lead you, guide you,
walk side-by-side with you, guard you,
follow behind you, and watch your
back to keep you safe
A true friend will give you his last morsel
of food, last drop of water, last breath of air
A true friend's shoulder is stained with your tears...

a true friend is there for you no matter what. They don't lie to you no matter what. They also keep their promises. They also don't stab you in the back.  :(   true friend are who always be there for you , through thin or thick and put you first before themselves no matter what ... this is a never ending trust and if one gets trouble than the other , without hesitation or having to be asked , will be there help... true friend also will face a giant together , support each other , hold each other up and if necessary , die for other... when u cry , they always lend ur shoulder to you and din asking why u cry ?... dis call TRUE FRIEND ! xD